When step reactivity disturbance is input to the system, the maximum overshoot of the system increases with the disturbance amplitude, and is independent of KN. 在阶跃反应性扰动情况下,系统的超调量随输入扰动幅度的增大而增大,与KN的大小无关;
The control quality indexes of the control system, the maximum percent overshoot and the regulated time are found by the unit step responsive cure method. 用单位阶跃响应曲线法求出控制系统的控制品质指标、最大百分超调量和调整时间。
The results show that maximum overshoot and setting time are both reduced with the increase of reaction thrust and that steadystate error exists in the system. 结果显示,最大超调量以及调整时间均随输入反推力的增大而减小;
But an asymptotic stable system is likely to have some bad transient performance, and will cause some bad effects; these will not meet the requirements of industrial production, such as the overshoot amount is too large, and the maximum overshoot or oscillation sharp occurs. 然后,一个渐近稳定的系统,可能具有比较坏的暂态性能,从而造成很坏的影响,无法满足工业生产要求,如超调量过大,振荡剧烈超调量或者系统本身含有饱和非线性。
Simulation results illustrate that the proposed controllers are effective in suppressing the maximum overshoot and in reducing the decaying oscillation cycles and also superior then PID controllers. 仿真结果证明,本文所提出的控制策略在抑制超调、减少震荡周期、提高系统的稳定性上都得到提高,优于单纯常规PID控制。